Online advertising nowadays is a science. It is also very competitive.
Only the advertisers with the most optimized ads win. The remaining 76% loses money.
You have two choices:
- You could waste a lot of money trying to manage your own ads
- You could pay an advertising agency that makes money from their fees whether you make money or not
But there is another way, read on.
You might think: "oh, the ads are too expensive! They can't work for our product/service."
Or maybe you think: "Our website is too ugly, we need expensive professional looking website, videos and pictures. We need to improve our product, lower the prices, we need to get our employees to work harder..."
I understand that, however, let me tell you a little fact.
A "secret" that supercharges smart companies to crush their competition
In 1982, Naura Hayden wrote a book. She called it "Astro-Logical Love".
The book went on sale and sold 5000 copies then went out of print. It was forgotten.
Then in 1998 a gentleman came across it in a used book store.
He bought the rights to this "long forgoten, baddly selling book" and renamed it to "How To Satisfy a Woman Every Time and Have Her Beg For More".
He didn't really change anything in the book itself, he just changed the name and the cover. The book had no fancy design, it just said the name. It was arguably even uglier than before when it failed.
The result?
Instead of selling 5 thousand copies and dying out, it became a New York Times bestseller
and sold over 2.5 million copies
All it took was changing its name.
The result?
Instead of selling 5 thousand copies and dying out, it became a New York Times bestseller
and sold over 2.5 million copies
All it took was changing its name.
Here is an embrassing example. When we decided to expand to Brazil we ran some ads to get likes for the Brazilian Facebook page.
Can you guess what the difference between these ads was?
We are spending millions on the ads we run for our businesses and for bussinesse of our clients, we have a lot of experience yet there are things that work out and things that do not.
If you pay an agency a fixed a fee and they are not responsible for the results they get you, what motivation do they have to search for something that will get you dramaticaly better results?
And this is just the ad, as you get further in the sales process the differences between optimized and not optimized multiply at each step. Even a seemingly very small difference decides about you being profitable or not.
Here is how even tiny differences end up making a huge difference:
This could mean no profits for the first business, even though the ad was shown to the same people for the same price and offered the same product.
Advertising nowadays is a science. It is also very competitive.
Our goal is to get you more new customers than you were ever getting before with a higher overal profit than what you can achieve managing ads on your own, or what your previous agency have achieved.
I believe that it is easier to grow your business and make more money when:
With this in mind, we set out to create an online advertising agency that doesn't just "manage" your ads for a fee and sends you a report every day.
We set out to create an "online advertising agency" that is fair. An egency that is responsible for the results, if you dont make money, we dont make money.
An online agency that relieves you of the tasks you hate, gives you stability and lets you focus on what you do the best.
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Sagitt dolors semper portti venena lectus lacusa evenie vertis intege ipsume laoret vulput platea minim tempor proina.
No fluff and boring meetings eating into the time you could be spending with your family and friends, or on your business.
We can keep you informed by sending you daily reports, if you are interested.
Or we just handle all the marketing and client getting stuff without giving you more "busy work".
You can focus on growing your company and on delivering your product/service.
When new technologies come up, we will tell you about them over a nice lunch. If they would be beneficial to your marketing, we will implement them for no extra charge. You just continue paying per costumer.
Since we prefer long term relationships and only work with companies that we can really make money for, we have to get to know you first.
Our goal is to get you more new customers than you were ever getting before with a higher overal profit than what you can achieve managing ads on your own, or what your previous agency have achieved.
Because of this we cannot work with everyone. To see if we can work together, click on the button below and register a free audit.
Do most people leave your website without buying anything? Are they no very interested when they see your ads? The complimentary audit call will get you at least 3 recomendations for quick changes you can immediately do that will immediately get you more customers.
Are you leaving a ton of money on the table by not advertising where your customers are? You will get reccomendations on how to scale your business within the platforms you are currently advertising on. You are also going to reccomendations on the best other platforms that you can tap into to get more customers. You will learn whether you get the most profit on YouTube, Instagram, Google, Linked or just by running banners around the web.
You will learn the exact things you need to be more memorable, get more repeat business and spend less time on customer support. We will give you advice on improving or building your automated sales funnel that builds brand loyalty and trust.